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This was my first production project that I directed, produced and edited in my Radio, Television and Film course at San Jose State University in December of 2012.


I've created a two-column live script, storyboard, floor plan, props lists, computer graphics layout, crew list and a production book. Also, I constructed a PSA (public service announcement) video to be my 15 second commercial within my video.     


I was invited by Rhashad Pittman, who is a Publications and Communications Coordinator at San Jose State University to help with a project for the SJSU Enrollment Services during the summer of 2013.


My position was to be the editor for the video. I edited the music, decided which SJSU logo should be used, added transitions throughout the video and condensed the interview to be less than 3 minutes. This was the first production assignment that I’ve done that was outside of my academics. 

SJSU Enrollment Services

Miss Nails

Easy How-To

This video was my first time being in front of the camera, and being the host. This video was directed by Shannon Bringham in Radio, Television and Film course at San Jose State University in December of 2012.      

DJ Application Demonstration

This is a production project that I wrote and hosted in my Radio, Television, and Film course at Cosumnes River College in November of 2014. I had to write an 8 to 10 minute television studio segment with an open and close. Also, I had to include one 60 second commercial break to be incorporated into my production project.   

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